My Backpack

Jackson’s Backpack 

Over summer break I read Finding Someplace by Denis Lewis Patrick. This is a book about a girl named Reesie who lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. All her friends and acquaintances have evacuated the city. She is separated from her family and she has to pack a backpack full of important items so she can survive the hurricane. She has to choose wisely because there isn’t a lot of space in the backpack. If she forgets something that would be bad. 

If I was in this situation, I would bring communication devices so I wouldn’t get lost from humanity. I would bring walkie talkies so I could talk to people over distances which voices can’t cover.  I would bring a megaphone so I can yell at people. Also, with a megaphone I can yell at people looking for people surviving the hurricane. I could also talk over loud hurricane noises. I can also bring essentials for surviving. I would bring a water bottle and a LifeStraw. A LifeStraw is basically a water purification device and a straw combined so I could drink safe water. I would also bring a life vest. If I had room I can bring a swimsuit so I could dry quicker. I would also bring hand sanitizer. I would bring a taser in case of drunk people or bad guys(or girls). Finally, I would bring a 3 in1 hand crank, solar powered flashlight, radio, and phone charger. Then I would pack items I need to survive. I would bring a 12 pack of Clif Kids energy bars. I would bring the first aid kit in case I fall. I would bring cash in a waterproof container. These are the items I would need to survive in a hurricane.

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